TKA Mingles 2.0

20 September 2024
5pm (Te Auaha Bar, Level 1, 65 Dixon Street, Wellington)

Drop by. Catch up. Hang out. Nice drinks with other creative humans.

Kia ora koutou,

It was awesome to see so many faces, new and familiar, at our inaugural Mingles. There was a load of great chat and catching up, and absolutely none of the usual pressure-cookery you might find at one of the more hyper-agenderised, pseudo-casual industry engagement events you could have gone to instead. So nice work, everyone, on making it nice!

We also clocked a bunch of RSVPS along the lines of ‘…ohh nuts, I’ll be in Edinburgh at Fringe...’ and ‘…when’s the next one? oh wow gosh I miiiiight be back from EdFest by then... you know that’s overseas right & it’s Summer there?’

Yes. Yes, we do know that.

Junkets aside, people are already bugging us to do this thing again. So, like a third former in the 90’s we’ll give into peer pressure and have another puff.

After a good deep breath, we re-consulted our AI masters and have obtained clearance to arrange Mingles 2.0

Come and hang out! Pop by for cheap drinks, even cheaper chats and the wonderful people at Footnote NZ Dance will be supplying us with some kai. Let us know if you can make it, so they know how much sustenance will be required.

Please forward this on to anyone you’d like to mingle with. All welcome!